Y'all Fucked With the Wrong School: A Federal Judge Has Granted Tennessee's Preliminary Injunction Against the NCAA

We tried to warn the NCAA and they didn't want to listen. Now we're coming for blood.

Shoutout to Judge Clifton Corker, who granted a preliminary injunction against the NCAA in a lawsuit filed by the attorneys general of Tennessee and Virginia. The NCAA thought it was going to make an example out of Tennessee for something that wasn't even against any rule in place at the time and instead is losing in federal court and seeing the Sun begin to set on its reign of terror. You love to see it.

On3 — “Without the give and take of a free market, student-athletes simply have no knowledge of their true NIL value,” Corker wrote in his decision. “It is this suppression of negotiating leverage and the consequential lack of knowledge that harms student-athletes.”

The court has ordered that the NCAA and “all persons in active concert or participation with the NCAA” are restrained from enforcing the interim NIL policy, NCAA bylaws or any other authority that prohibits athletes from negotiating NIL compensation.

This is just the beginning. We will not rest until the NCAA is completely razed to the ground and when that inevitably happens, everyone will have the state and University of Tennessee to thank.

More to come. Go Vols.

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